The Beatles - Something (Paul McCartney) | Only Bass With Tabs #basstabs #thebeatles #beatles

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Bass Transcriptions

The Beatles - Something (Paul McCartney)
Bass Only With Score and tabs

???????? Resolvi fazer estas backing tracks para facilitar o estudo aos meus alunos...
???????? I decided to make these backing tracks to make it easier for my students to study...

???????? Se gostas do meu trabalho e dos conteúdos que eu ando a criar, um dia destes podes oferecer-me um café e dar a tua opinião...
???????? If you like my work and the content I’m creating, one of these days you can buy me a coffee and give your opinion...

???????? Se queres ter conteúdos extras, tais como aulas, vídeos, backing tracks, livros, pautas, tutoriais, tabs, line6 settings, etc... podes inscrever-te aqui:
???????? If you want to have extra content, such as lessons, videos, backing tracks, books, scores, tutorials, tabs, line6 settings, etc ... you can sign up here:

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Paul Mccartney
The Beatles - Something (Paul McCartney) only Bass, The Beatles - Something bass guitar, The Beatles - Something bass only
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