
Lookin' Out My Back Door (C.C.R.) [Ukulele Fingerstyle] Play-Along with TABs *PDF available

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You can download all TABs (Low G) + Tutorial video + Song request + TABs (High G) by request
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You can download TABs for High G tuning of this song at Patreon.

"Patreon" High G or Low G ?
I am using Low G tuning for all my videos. For High G ukulele player, I can make TABs for High G if any requests. I will only make necessary adjustments to where High G doesn't work and will attach the TABs to Patreon page.

Lookin' Out My Back Door (Creedence Clearwater Revival). Ukulele Fingerpicking.
Arranged by Ukulele Time

#creedenceclearwaterrevival #LowG #TABatPATREON #UkuleleFingerstyle #UkuleleTabs #UkuleleFingerpicking #UkuleleChords #UkuleleLessons
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